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Course Descriptions

CHE 251 - Organic Chemistry I

5 Credits

This is the first semester of a two-semester sequence in organic chemistry. The principles of bonding, molecular structure (with an emphasis on the three-dimensional aspects of structure and stereochemistry), polarities and acid-base properties are reviewed in CHE 251. These principles are extended to organic compounds and their reactions. The course concentrates on organic reactions and their mechanisms. The relationship between molecular structure, properties, and reactivity is emphasized throughout the course. Major topics discussed include: classes of organic compounds and nomenclature, thermodynamics and kinetics, addition reactions of alkenes and alkynes, stereochemistry, resonance and electron delocalization, aromaticity, and electrophilic aromatic substitution reactions.

The laboratory introduces the basic separation, purification, reaction and structure determination techniques of organic chemistry on the microscale level. Spectroscopic methods of analysis are also emphasized in CHE 251, including: ultraviolet/visible (UV/Vis), infrared (IR), and proton nuclear magnetic resonance (1H-NMR). These spectroscopic methods are discussed and used in the CHE 251 laboratory.

Prerequisite: CHE 152 with a grade of C- or higher.

Learning Attributes: UR

MCC General Education: MCC-TL - Technological Literacy (MTL)

Course Learning Outcomes
1. Utilize International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) nomenclature rules to name simple alkanes, alkenes, alkynes, alkyl halides, or alcohols based on structure or determine their structure from an IUPAC name.
2. Interpret the structure of a molecule to identify key principles, including atomic/molecular properties, chemical bonding, molecular geometry, conformational analysis, or stereochemistry.
3. Predict reaction products of an organic reaction from given starting materials and reagents.
4. Provide the necessary starting material or reagents required to produce a given organic product.
5. Design multistep (3 or 4 steps) synthesis for organic compounds using retrosynthetic analysis.
6. Propose reasonable reaction mechanisms for a given reaction using curved arrow notation.
7. Generate the complete structure of simple unknown organic compounds using ultraviolet/visible (UV/Vis), infrared (IR) or proton nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy.
8. Perform microscale organic reactions and determine product identity, purity or percent yield.
9. Purify products from a chemical reaction using extraction, re-crystallization, or chromatography.
10. Write formal lab reports to convey results of experiments in a clear, logical manner.

Course Offered Fall

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Fall Semester 2025
Spring Semester 2025
Summer Session 2025